A Guide To A Stylish Plus Size Life

June 20, 2017

Changing Things Up with Roman's Fashion

Jacket & Pants  C/O Roaman's Fashion; Top, Shoes , Sunnies-(Similar)

Lately the only constant thing I've been experiencing in life is change. That's right my lovely readers I have spent the first part of early summer being caught up in the winds of change. From wanting to change things to trying to figure out how to change things, to not being swept up in involuntary changes. Every year as it nears my birthday I kinda shut down and figure out how I can be better for my next year of life. I wanted to take a tv timeout clear my head to figure it out. I have no desire to keep carrying things with me from year to year without taking the time to evaluate what needs to be fixed.

Have you ever been there? Feeling the brunt of being caught between self- imposed changes and forced changes. I wanted to share a few of my tips for figure out and dealing with change: 

  • Make a list of what needs changing - List always help me identify the problems/changes that need to happen. 
  • Take a t.v. time out - Rest and relaxation are key needs in enacting change in your life. No good changes ever come out of being frazzled. 
  • Try a tiny superficial change- Maybe it's your hair, eyebrows, nail color or style that needs some updating. I am currently experimenting lots with my hair so that's been distracting me. 
  • Think of your overall goals - Always keep in mind what you want out of life, make sure your changes are going to continue to get your there. 
I hope this helps someone going through changes or caught up in the midst of change. I know it's hard sometimes, but often we don't even realize how necessary change is. 

What about you my dear readers? How do you deal with change? How do you cope? Do you find change difficult? 

Thank you for reading!


1 comment

  1. I've learned that change IS the only consistent part of life!I love the idea of a TV timeout, I'm going to try that. That's a great way to just sit with yourself. For me, I fast. It provides amazing clarity for me. You look phenomenal! I love this look, I want to try some more casual looks so I absolutely adore these joggers! You always knock it out of the park!!


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