A Guide To A Stylish Plus Size Life

September 07, 2012

UmmmWelll... I know, I know...

Nope, your eyes are definitely not playing tricks on you; I have indeed updated my blog. I don’t normally like to give excuses, but I do feel as though I owe you my readers an explanation. Sometime last year, I realized I was not enjoying life, and I do mean not at all. I was overwhelmed with responsibilities, between work, school and my blog I was struggling to find a happy medium. It all seemed like busy work. I was pressed to find time to do anything, you know like sleep. I wanted to be free of everything, so I took some advice and stopped doing anything extra other than going to work and coming home. I read books,  shopped, traveled and slept. Sleep was very elusive to me until this summer, and all of my doctors told me that my diabetes would get worse if I didn’t do better.

After months of doing nothing, I started to get the nagging feeling that I was missing something, that something was blogging. I missed sharing my outfits, journeys and feelings. I missed the camaraderie that I built with my fellow bloggers, I missed sharing the perfect outfit… I simply missed blogging. Deep down inside I wanted to be a more committed blogger, who was less tempted to throw in the towel when it got too hard. So I did something I didn’t do before I started blogging, I studied the art of blogging. I began to observe and study other bloggers, the ones I admired, the ones who seem to shine and express themselves without fail. In the next weeks my blog will resurface. More outfit post, a bit less writing, fun pieces and projects that I want to share. For anyone who is still around to read, Thank you for reading! For anyone who is new to the blog welcome and thank you for reading!!! I promise this time no extreme breaks!




  1. YAY!!! :) Dun dun dun!!! Welcome back. I haven't been any better, I blog maybe once or twice a month. I was just thinking this morning how I need to do better. I've missed blogging and I've missed my lovelies such as yourself that I met while blogging. <3 I'm glad your back! Maybe we will keep each other in line!

  2. @Nikstar yes indeed!!! We must keep up!!!

  3. Yes indeed! We have to keep up with each other!!! I need to come visit soon!

  4. I actually just started reading your blog so I'm looking forward to the "come back" and I'm excited to see your future posts.

    As far as being overwhelmed and needing a break, I know that feeling all too well so you're not alone on that. I recently reinvented my blog after a lengthy hiatus and I think it was the push I needed to get back into it. I went from a nail polish/nail art blog to mostly a fashion blog. Sometimes a little change and a little break are all we need to feel invigorated and ready to take on the world! Good luck and welcome back!

  5. Welcome back hun!!! I did miss you and can not wait to see what you have in store. I am thinking about doing an extreme break myself because I have been doing some some studying on the art of blogging. I have lost some friends in the mist of this ordeal but I see that God does all things for the better. I have been doing some change of things over at my sit too but I still feel like something is missing...

    But anywho, welcome back and don't leave the other southern chick over here hanging alone. I do want to extend this to you, do take care of yourself first!!!!

  6. omg your back! so happy to see you back on my blog roll! i understand how things such as life get in the way but its good that you took the time to refocus and prioritise! Looking forward to the new stuff u have in store! stay blessed! xoxo


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