A Guide To A Stylish Plus Size Life

July 07, 2015

Shopping lower price: The striped pants edit...

Vest-Old(Similar), Pants-It's Fashion Metro(Similar) Shoes-Old(love these), Bag-Louis Vuitton Neverfull


I have wanted to try a pair of wide leg pants since they came back into fashion last season, but I haven't wanted to invest too much money in the look. I am the queen of shopping high/low pricing to put together a look. So I went on the ultimate search to find the right pair of wide leg pants without breaking the bank.

It's often hard finding the right look when shopping for low price items, so I was excited when I scored this pair at It's Fashion Metro for less than $20!  I was beyond excited to find such a great quality pair of pants that fit perfectly into my fashion aesthetic.

Shopping in lower price stores is overwhelming and often you get so frenzied by the price you end up spending lots more than you bargained for. To help you navigate these waters I want to share my tips for shopping for trendier pieces at a lower price point:

  • Have an idea of what you are looking for. I mentioned before it's really hard not to get carried away and buy a bunch of things you weren't shopping for. 
  • Check out the material. Make sure the seems look good and that there aren't any pulls or problems with the item. 
  • Try it on. Often sizing is different so make sure you try it own before you buy it. 
  • Check the stores return policy, just in case you change your mind. 

I hope this helps you when you are out shopping!  What are your tips? I would love to discuss them!

Thank you for reading,




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